Level Design Collection

  • A collection of Levels and Maps that I’ve done during my Level Design module in school, ultimately forming my own philosophies for my Level Design creative processes.

  • 3 Months

  • Level Designer

3 Mega man Levels

3 Mega Man levels of increasing difficulty made using MegaManMaker.

These levels were created and iterated with feedback from fellow classmates over 5 weeks.

My focus for creating these levels were teaching the player mechanics and metrics in an immersive and invisible-like manner, while creating an overarching theme and “story” for the 3 levels.

Gameplay Walkthrough:

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Kingdom Design

A map of a kingdom made using Inkarnate. This project was done over the span of 5 weeks, as a progressive practice from creating a home, expanding the home, and then making it part of a Kingdom. My focus for this assignment was to create a believable kingdom whilst promoting complex circulation routes with good flow.

My Level Design Creative Process

To consolidate and reflect on my work, I created a series of 10 pages annotating and describing my thought and creative process when creating and iterating on level designs.




Metal Dawn